If you need medical quality parts with all of the benefits of our Supermold:
Get into production quicker and for a smaller investment up front
Go from purchase order to first article in 10 days with SuperMold™
When you 3D print you are spending prototype dollars. Money that will never translate to production budgets.
SUPERMOLD accelerates your timeline by using your prototype dollars on making a production mold designed to take advantage of production efficiencies.
SUPERMOLD uses 103 tool steel to provide a production mold that is guaranteed for as long as you need parts. Our full tool shop allows quick turnaround to put parts in your hand when needed, at a cost effective price point.
Reduce costs and lead times for custom injection molds to process thermoplastic or metal components.
SuperMold ISO13485 quality validation: $4300
30 nominal samples to customer
Manufacturing Process Characterization
1-piece Full FAI Excluding GD&T
30-piece Capability Study of 3 Critical Dimensions (Variable Method; Gauge Pin, micrometer, etc)
Validation Summary Report
In addition:
Tooling Design Records Retained at ASH
Design for Manufacturing Review Records
ASH Process Flow Documentation
ASH Process FMEA
Control Plan
1-piece Full FAI Excluding GD&T
30-piece Capability Study of 3 Critical Dimensions
Raw Material COA
Process Parameter Report Including Low, High, and Nominal Settings
Calibration Certifications
30 Nominal Samples Provided to Customer for Analysis
Master Retain Preserved at ASH
Certificate of Conformance
Validation Summary Report